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Chemical Bonding

  • Atoms have a tendency to obtain an electronic configuration like noble gases.

  • For this, they either donate or share electrons.

  • The force of attraction by which the atoms are bonded in a molecule is called a chemical bond.

Covalent Bonding:​

  • It is the bond formed due to the sharing of an electron pair between two non-metallic elements.

  • The shared electron pair is attracted by two nuclei.

  • One covalent bond between two molecules is formed due to the sharing of two electrons.

  • Bond pair is the number of paired electrons in a bond or simply the number of covalent bonds.

  • Lone pair is the number of paired electrons left in the outermost shell after forming a covalent bond.

Dot Cross Diagram


Some exceptional compounds:

Iodine Chloride & Iodine Fluoride

  • Iodine Flouride can form but Iodine Chloride cannot.

  • Chlorine has a larger atomic radius that Fluorine.

  • Seven Fluorine atoms can be arranged around Iodine but not seven Chlorine atoms.

Phosphorus (V) Chloride & Nitrogen (V) Chloride

  • Phosphorus (V) Chloride can form but not Nitrogen (V) Chloride.

  • The second shell of Nitrogen can only contain a maximum of 8 electrons.

  • But the third shell of phosphorus can contain a maximum of 18 electrons.

Electron deficient compounds

  • Compounds where the central atom has an incomplete octet.

  • Examples include Boron trifluoride and Aluminium Chloride.

  • These compounds can form a dative bond.

Dative/Co-ordinate bond

  • It is a bond formed when shared pairs of electrons are provided from the same species.


Ionic Bonds

  • The bond formed due to the strong electrostatic force of attraction between oppositely charged ions.

  • During formation, metals donate electrons and non-metals gain them.

  • Metals form positively charged cations and non-metals form negatively charged anions.


  • The strength of an ionic bond depends on the charge of the ion and the ionic radius.

  • With the increase of charge the strength of the ionic bond increases.

  • With the increase of ionic radius strength of the ionic bond decreases.

Physical properties

High melting and boiling points

  • Ionic compounds have giant ionic lattices.

  • They have strong ionic bonds.

  • To melt the strong electrostatic force is needed to be overcome.

  • A higher amount of energy is needed to break the ionic bonds.

MgO vs NaCl

  • The charge of ions in MgO is higher than in NaCl.

  • Mg2+ ion has a smaller ionic radius than Na+ ion.

  • Oxide ion has a smaller ionic radius than Chloride ion.

  • The electrostatic attraction between ions is stronger in MgO than in NaCl

KCl vs NaCl

  • NaCl has a higher melting point than KCl.

  • Na ion has a smaller ionic radius than K ion.

Ionic compounds are non-conductor of electricity as solid but conductors as a liquid.

  • At room temperature, the ions are closely packed so cannot move to conduct electricity.

  • Soluble ionic compounds produce free ions in water which move to conduct electricity.


  • Most of the ionic compound is soluble in water or polar solvent.

  • Ionic compounds are insoluble in non-polar solvents.

Process of solubility

  • Water molecules have a partial positive charge(𝛿+) on hydrogen and a partial negative(𝛿-) charge on oxygen.

  • The positively charged ions are attracted to the partial charge of oxygen(𝛿-).

  • The negatively charged ions are attracted to the partial charge of hydrogen(𝛿+).

Coordination number:​

  • Six Sodium ions are surrounded around each Chloride ion.

  • Six Chloride ions are surrounded by each sodium ion.

Metallic bond

  • Metals have positively charged ions and delocalised electrons.

  • The bond formed between positively charged ions and delocalised electrons is called a metallic bond.

Strength of metallic bond: It depends on the following

  • Charge on the ions - Strength increases with increasing charge.

  • The number of delocalised electrons - Strength increases with increasing number.

  • Ionic radius- Strength decreases with increasing number.

Across the period strength of the metallic bond increases.​

  • Charge of the metal ions increases.

  • Ionic radius decreases.

  • The strength of the electrostatic force of attraction between delocalised electrons and metal ions increases.

Physical properties of metal:

Metals have high melting and boiling points:

  • They have giant metallic lattices.

  • They have a strong electrostatic force of attraction between delocalised electrons and metal ions.

  • To overcome the force high amount of energy is required.

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity:

  • They have delocalised electrons to transfer heat and electricity.


The measurement of power to attract the shared electron pair between two bonded atoms.

  • Across the period(left to right) the electronegativity increases.

  • Down the ground (top to bottom) electronegativity decreases.

Hydrogen Bond:

A type of attractive intermolecular force that exists between two partial electric charges of opposite polarity. This happens due to a difference in electronegativity.

Hydrogen Bond in water

Conditions for Hydrogen Bond:

  • The hydrogen atom must be bonded between Oxygen/Nitrogen/ Fluorine.

  • Due to the difference in electronegativity of atoms dipoles ( 𝛿) form.

  • The oppositely charged diples attract each other forming hydrogen bonds.

  • It forms between water, ammonia, Hydrogen Flouride, alcohol, hydrazine etc.

Types of intermolecular force:

  • Induced dipole attraction(van der Waals)

  • Permanent dipole attraction

  • Hydrogen Bond


  • Polarity in a molecule is caused due to the difference in electronegativity.

  • A more electronegative atom will "pull" the electron towards itself.

  • This results in the formation of dipoles.

Permanent dipoles & Polar molecules :

  • A molecule becomes polar when the dipoles do not cancel out and have a resultant dipole.

  • This resultant dipole is permanent in the molecule.

Temporary dipoles:

  • Electrons in a molecule can sometimes get unevenly distributed.

  • This results in the formation of short temporary dipoles.

  • This phenomenon occurs in simple molecular substances.

Simple molecular substances

  • Simple molecular substances exist as solid, liquid or gas mainly liquid and gas.

  • They have a low melting and boiling point as their intermolecular force (van der Waals) is very weak.

  • The melting and boiling points of simple molecular substances depend on the number of electrons and the presence of permanent dipoles.

  • The more electrons the stronger the strength of temporary dipoles.

Down the group seven the melting and boiling point increases and becomes darker in colour.

  • From fluorine to Astatine number of electrons in the molecule increases.

  • Strength of van der Waals's force of attraction increases.

  • Greater energy is needed to overcome this force of attraction.

  • Molecules are closer together.

  • Colour becomes darker.

Carbon monoxide vs Nitrogen

  • Carbon monoxide has a higher boiling point than nitrogen.

  • Carbon monoxide is a polar molecule so has permanent dipoles.

  • Nitrogen is non-polar, so only have temporary dipoles.

  • Permanent dipoles are stronger than temporary dipoles.

Hydrogen vs water

  • Hydrogen molecules only have van der Waals's force of attraction.

  • Water has van der Waals force of attraction and Hydrogen bond.

  • Hydrogen bonds are stronger than van der Waals force

  • The attraction between water molecules is stronger.

Volatility: It describes how easily a substance vaporizes.

  • Volatile liquids have weak intermolecular forces and are mainly simple molecular.

Evaporation: Changing of liquid into a gas at any range of temperature.

  • It occurs from the liquid surface

  • It is a slow process.

  • Enthalpy change of vaporisation can be used to measure the strength of van der Waals force of attraction.

Shapes and angles of molecules

1. Tetrahedral Number of bond pairs - 4 Number of lone pair - 0 Bond angle - 109.5° Examples: Ammonium, Methane. 2. Linear Number of bond pairs - 2 Number of lone pair - 0 Bond angle - 180° Examples: Carbon dioxide, Beryllium hydride 3. Trigonal Planar Number of bond pairs - 3 Number of lone pair - 0 Bond angle - 120° Examples: Boron trifluoride, Boron hydride 4. Trigonal Bipyramidal Number of bond pairs - 5 Number of lone pair - 0 Bond angle - 120°, 90° Examples: Phosphorus pentafluoride, Sulfur tetrafluoride. 5. Octahedral Number of bond pairs - 6 Number of lone pair - 0 Bond angle - 90° Examples: Sulfur hexafluoride. 6. Pyramidal Number of bond pairs - 3 Number of lone pairs - 1 Bond angle - 107° Examples: Ammonia 7. V-shaped Number of bond pairs - 2 Number of lone pairs - 2 Bond angle - 104.5° Examples: Water


A process by which different orbitals are mixed with each other to make a new hybrid orbital.

Sp³ Hybridization:

A process by which one S orbital and three p-orbitals are mixed with each other to make four hybridized sp³ orbitals.

Sigma Bond (σ): Bond formed due to the direct overlap between two orbitals. (A single bond is a sigma bond)

Sp² Hybridization:

  • A process by which one S orbital and two p-orbitals are mixed with each other to make four hybridized sp² orbitals.

  • During the formation of one p-orbital is not involved.

  • This orbital makes the pi (π) bond.

Pi Bond (π): Bond formed due to the sideways overlapping between two p-orbitals.

  • Every double bond has a sigma bond and a pi(π) bond

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