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Physical quantities

  • All physical quantities consist of a numerical magnitude and a unit.

  • Some SI base quantities and their units:

  • Mass (kg)

  • Length m)

  • Time (s) 

  • Current (A)

  • Temperature (K).

Some derived units ​



An equation is considered homogeneous if both sides of the equation have the same units.



metric prefixes.png
  • Systematic errors: Errors in a measurement that is caused by a faulty system. 

  • Systematic errors always vary by a constant amount. 

  • Systematic errors can not be avoided by taking an average value.

  • Examples include zero error.

  • Random errors: Errors in a measurement that is caused by any factor that can vary from one experiment to other.

  • Random errors do not differ by any constant amount but are scattered around the actual reading.

  • Random errors can be avoided by taking an average value.

  • Examples include parallax error

Precision: Measurements with the least range.

Accuracy: It is the reading that is closest to the actual value.




                          Fractional uncertainty= 

   Absolute uncertainty

     Measured value

                 Percentage uncertainty (%)= 

   Absolute uncertainty

     Measured value

x 100

  • Uncertainty is always added.

  • Uncertainty of power function is found by multiplying the uncertainty of quantity by power.

  • There is no uncertainty for constant factors.


  • Absolute uncertainty is always expressed in one significant figure.

Example: 1 

The velocity of a car is 5.6 ± 2 m/s. The time taken for it to move a distance was 0.8 ± 0.01 s.

Calculate the fractional uncertainty in the value of acceleration.




To find the fractional uncertainty in the value of acceleration we need to add the fractional uncertainties of velocity and time.

  • To find the fractional uncertainty in the value of acceleration we need to add the fractional uncertainties of velocity and time.

  • To find the percentage uncertainty in the value of acceleration we need to add the percentage uncertainties of velocity and time.

  • fractional uncertainty of velocity  = 2/5.6 = 0.357 

  • fractional uncertainty of time = 0.01/0.8  = 0.0125


  • fractional uncertainty of acceleration = 0.357 + 0.0125 = 0.37

To find the percentage uncertainty multiply the fractional uncertainty by 100.

Example: 2

The base of a cylinder has a radius of 3 ± 0.2 cm and a height of 10± 1 cm .

Calculate the volume of the cylinder with its absolute uncertainty.

Volume = π r   × h


  • The value of the highest power contributes the most to the uncertainty in any given equation.


fractional uncertainty of volume = 2 × fractional uncertainty of radius + fractional uncertainty of height.

fractional uncertainty of radius = 0.2 / 3

fractional uncertainty of height = 1 / 10

fractional uncertainty of volume = (0.067 × 2)+ 0.1 = 0.234

Volume  = 282.74

Absolute uncertainty of volume = fractional uncertainty × the value of the volume.

                                                  = 0.234 × 282.74 

                                                  = 66.16 

Finally ,

Volume = 280 ±  70 cm


Scalar Quantity: Quantities that have a magnitude only. Example : distance, speed, time, mass, energy and temperature.

Vector Quantity: Quantities that have both a magnitude and a direction . Example :displacement, force, weight, velocity, acceleration, momentum, electric field strength and gravitational field strength


  • Select an appropriate scale E.g. 1 cm to 2 N.

  • Step 2: Draw a parallelogram of vectors to scale.

  • Step 3: Measure the diagonal to find R(AB)

Pythagorean theorem can be used if is a right angled triangle.


Steps to find the period of oscillation:

Step 1: Take the total time for multiple oscillations (E.g 20).

Step 2: Repeat Step 1.

Step 3: Take the average of the two timings.

Step 4: Divide the average in Step 3 by the number of oscillations ( here 20) to obtain the period.

Resolving forces

A force can be resolved into two perpendicular components.​

For the horizontal component, it is R Sinθ.

For the vertical component, it is R Cosθ.

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